Saturday, January 12, 2013

Jumbo Growth Chart Ruler

Two years ago we bought our first home and shortly after had our first child. When she started walking we kept saying we needed to mark her height on the door frame. But we kept forgetting. Then I saw this idea on Pinterest about making a growth chart ruler that shows the children's heights on the ruler (or with pictures) and you can take it anywhere in case you move! What a brilliant idea! Here was the original pin:

But I decided to make my own version of it.

First, I went to Lowe's a bought one six foot 1x10" board and a can of stain. Then, I brought it home and sanded it down until it was smooth:
 Next, I applied the stain.
 Then I sanded it down again to help give it a distressed look. I forgot to take a picture of this step but sanding is pretty self-explanatory.

Then I measured how far from the floor I wanted the board to be so I knew where to start. I decided on 6 inches from the floor, so I began the bottom of my ruler at 6 inches. Then I measured everything else out and penciled in all the numbers, tick marks, and animals I decided to put on it:

 Can you guess the next step?? Very good! I painted it! This was actually a lot harder than I expected. The original idea used printed numbers. I hand drew and painted everything on the ruler. That's why the lines aren't perfect, but I think I did a pretty good job even though the critters took forever to draw and paint. I'm not an artist.
 This little bee is my favorite part.

 The finished product up on the wall!
 We had our little K test it out and she started crying. Weird. But she got over it. I plan on printing out a little picture of her at 18 months and putting it on the wall next to her height. That will come later. Right now we're out of printer ink. 

It took me a few passes in the hall to really start to love it. I'm unhappy with the numbers looking so ghetto and too uniform. I should have made them stylish. But that's ok. It's still cute. We'll keep it.

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