Sunday, September 2, 2012

Magnetic Letters

I may be the only one anal enough to try this idea, but in case I'm not, I'm sharing it.

This is my first original idea that wasn't inspired by someone from Pinterest or elsewhere. This is all me, baby! Granted, someone else may have already done it, but whatever.

I have a very busy 14 month old daughter and I am always looking for ways to keep her entertained. I wanted to buy those plastic letter refrigerator magnets to play with but I wasn't sure I wanted the bright, florescent colors radiating from my fridge every day.
So I had this idea in my sleep. Why not make my own letters? I can paint them any color I want and then they can match!

I headed to Michael's and found a bag of small, wood letters for $3.99. I also purchased a roll of magnetic strips. I believe that was $3.00? Not sure... I know it was cheap.

I picked out paint colors from my craft paints that matched my kitchen and living room, separated the letters into three piles, and started painting.

After they dried I glued the magnets on the back with wood glue. The magnetic rolls come with self-adhesive but it was not nearly strong enough to stay attached to the wood, so I glued mine.

I'm pretty pleased with the end result. It matches and keeps my child busy. Win, win, right?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, awesome idea. Way to go Megan! Now I know what you can make me for my birthday. ;)
